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Module "helpers/schemas"

This module exports a number of validation schemas that are used internally as well as by the collector to validate incoming SpanData.

This module is re-exported as a top-level export.



Const contextSchema

contextSchema: ObjectSchema = object().keys({trace_id: traceIdSchema.required(),span_id: spanIdSchema.required(),baggage: object().required()}).unknown(true).optionalKeys('baggage', 'trace_id')

A validation schema for a JSON object representing a span context.

Const logSchema

logSchema: ObjectSchema = object().keys({fields: object().pattern(/.+/, any()).required(),timestamp: number().required()}).optionalKeys('timestamp')

A validation schema for a JSON object representing a span log.

Const referenceSchema

referenceSchema: ObjectSchema = object().keys({type: string().valid(REFERENCE_CHILD_OF, REFERENCE_FOLLOWS_FROM).required(),context: contextSchema.required()})

A validation schema for a JSON object representing a span reference.

Const spanArrSchema

spanArrSchema: ArraySchema = array().items(spanSchema.required()).min(1)

A validation schema for an array of span objects, each adhering to the span schema.

Const spanIdSchema

spanIdSchema: StringSchema = string().length(16)

A validation schema for a 16 character string representing a span ID.

Const spanReqSchema

spanReqSchema: AlternativesSchema = alternatives().try(spanSchema, spanArrSchema).required()

A validation schema for a single span or an array of spans, adhering to the span schema or the span array schema respectively.

Const spanSchema

spanSchema: ObjectSchema = object().keys({operation: string().required(),context: contextSchema.required(),startTimeMs: number().required(),finishTimeMs: number().required().min(ref('startTimeMs')),tags: tagsSchema.required(),logs: array().items(logSchema).min(0).required(),references: array().items(referenceSchema).min(0).required()}).optionalKeys('tags', 'logs', 'references')

A validation schema for a JSON object adhering to the SpanData interface.

Const tagsSchema

tagsSchema: ObjectSchema = object().pattern(/.+/, alternatives().try(string(), boolean(), number()).required())

A validation schema for a JSON object representing a [[Tag | span tag]].

Const traceIdSchema

traceIdSchema: AlternativesSchema = alternatives().try(spanIdSchema, string().length(32))

A validation schema for a 16 or 32 character string representing a trace ID.

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