'use strict' const logOp = require('../operations/log') const { omit } = require('lodash') const { JoiRG, validate, checkValidation } = require('../routes/helpers') const { PATH_SCHEMA } = require('../routes/schemas') const optionsSchema = JoiRG.object().keys({ since: JoiRG.number(), until: JoiRG.number(), sort: JoiRG.string().valid('asc', 'desc'), skip: JoiRG.number().integer().min(0), limit: JoiRG.number().integer().min(0), groupBy: JoiRG.string().valid('node', 'collection', 'event', 'type'), countsOnly: JoiRG.boolean(), groupSort: JoiRG.string().valid('asc', 'desc'), groupSkip: JoiRG.number().integer().min(0), groupLimit: JoiRG.number().integer().min(0), postFilter: JoiRG.string().filter().empty('') }) function log (req) { const path = req.queryParams.path || req.body.path const options = omit(req.queryParams, 'path', 'postFilter') options.postFilter = req.queryParams.postFilter || (req.body && req.body.postFilter) return logOp(path, options) }


Returns event logs for nodes matching the given path pattern and the aggregating/sorting/slicing/post-filter constraints.


  • path - The path pattern to pick nodes whose logs should be returned.
  • options - An optional object, containing any combination of the following keys:
    • since - The unix timestamp (sec) starting from which to return events (inclusive). Precision: 0.1μs. Example: since=1581583228.2800217
    • until - The unix timestamp (sec) until which to return events (exclusive). Precision: 0.1μs. Example: until=1581583228.2800217
    • sort - The outer/primary sort order of records in the result set, sorted by event.ctime (groupBy==null) or aggregation key (groupBy is not null and countsOnly is false) or aggregated total (groupBy is not null and countsOnly is true). Default: desc for event.ctime or aggregated total, asc otherwise.
    • skip - The number records to skip/omit from the result set, starting from the first. Falsey implies none.
    • limit - The number records to keep in the result set, starting from skip or 0. Falsey implies all.
    • groupBy - The parameter on which to group records in the result set. One of node, collection, event or type.
    • countsOnly - If groupBy is specified, this parameter determines whether to return aggregated event totals (countsOnly==true), or entire event lists per group (countsOnly==false).
    • groupSort - The inner/secondary sort order of records in a group (if groupBy is specified and countsOnly is falsey), sorted by event.ctime. Default: desc.
    • groupSkip - The number records to skip/omit from each group of the result set (if groupBy is specified and countsOnly is falsey), starting from the first. Falsey implies none.
    • groupLimit - The number records to keep in each group of the result set (if groupBy is specified and countsOnly is falsey), starting from groupSkip or 0. Falsey implies all.
    • postFilter - The optional post-filter expression to apply on the log.


The contents of the result returned by the method is identical to the contents of the response body of the corresponding HTTP API, invoked with identical input, except when the method throws an error. In the latter case, the error message would be identical to the error response of the HTTP call.


Any error that occurs while executing the method is thrown back to the caller.


  1. Default options:
  2. Grouped (by node) logs starting from a time point:
    logProvider('/c/vertex_collection', {
       since: 1581583228.2800217,
       groupBy: 'node'
function logProvider (path, options = {}) { const result = validate([path, options], [PATH_SCHEMA, optionsSchema]) checkValidation(result) return logOp(...result.values) } module.exports = { log, logProvider }