'use strict' const commit = require('../operations/commit') const { DB_OPS: { INSERT } } = require('../constants') const { JoiRG, validate, checkValidation } = require('../routes/helpers') const { CREATE_BODY_SCHEMA } = require('../routes/schemas') const optionsSchema = JoiRG.object().keys({ returnNew: JoiRG.boolean(), silent: JoiRG.boolean() }) const providerSchemas = [JoiRG.string().collection().required(), CREATE_BODY_SCHEMA, optionsSchema] function createSingle ({ pathParams, body }, options) { return commit(pathParams.collection, body, INSERT, options) } function createMultiple ({ pathParams, body }, options) { const nodes = [] body.forEach(node => { try { nodes.push(createSingle({ pathParams, body: node }, options)) } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack) nodes.push(e) } }) return nodes }


Creates a new document and adds it to the tracking index.


  • collection - The collection into which to add the document.
  • data - An object or array of objects containing document contents to be saved.
  • options - An optional object, containing any combination of the following keys:
    • returnNew - Whether to return the newly created object. Default false.
    • silent - Whether to return anything in the result. Default false.


The contents of the result returned by the method is identical to the contents of the response body of the corresponding HTTP API, invoked with identical input, except when the method throws an error. In the latter case, the error message would be identical to the error response of the HTTP call.


If data is a single object, then any error that occurs while executing the method is thrown back to the caller.

If, on the other hand, data is an array of objects, then the method always returns an array of results. For every element of the data array which incurs an error, the error object is present at the corresponding index in the result array. For every input element that the method handles successfully, the result array contains an element that is identical to the result that would have been returned had the method been invoked singly for this element, with identical options.


  1. Create a single document silently:
     { x: 1, y: 2 },
     { silent: true }
  2. Create an array of documents and return the new documents (full content rather just the meta information):
    createProvider('edge_collection', [
       { x: 1, y: 2 },
       { x: 0, y: 1, _key: 'abc' },
       { x: 2, y: 1, _id: 'edge_collection/def' },
       { x: 0, y: 0, _key: 'xyz', _id: 'edge_collection/xyz' }
     { returnNew: true }
function createProvider (collection, data, options = {}) { const result = validate([collection, data, options], providerSchemas) checkValidation(result) const args = result.values collection = args[0] data = args[1] options = args[2] const req = { pathParams: { collection }, body: data } if (Array.isArray(data)) { return createMultiple(req, options) } else { return createSingle(req, options) } } module.exports = { createSingle, createMultiple, createProvider }